If you notice an area of concern, or would like to contact the Township regarding a request for maintenance, please complete the Maintenance Requisition Form and submit it to the Township Office in person or by email.
Issues may include: roads (winter maintenance, grading, dust control, streetlights, etc.); recreation (Community Centre/Arena, Four Seasons Park, beaches), or waste sites.
Residents wishing to create an entrance off of a Township Road will require an Entrance Permit, at a cost of $50.00 per entrance.
Civic Address Signs are available through the Municipal Office. Please complete the Civic Address Request Form and submit it with payment to the Municipal Office.
Civic Address Sign Fee: $60.00 per sign (which includes the sign(s) and installation).
Prior to applying for a civic address sign please ensure that you have applied for an Entrance Permit and that your driveway is clearly identified to measure. To Download the Entrance Permit Application and for more information please see:
Entrance Applications and Culvert Installation
Below are lists of construction projects planned and scheduled by the Township of Brudenell, Lyndoch and Raglan for the 2024 season.
Please expect delays and be cautious when driving through construction zones.
Road closures are sometimes necessary in order to undertake emergency repairs or planned road improvement projects.
Current road closures and service disruptions are listed below.
Please note that minor projects and repairs requiring only a short closure or delay may not be posted.
none at this time
Snow How
This campaign reminds drivers to safely navigate winter roads by slowing down, being patient and giving snowplows plenty of space. Everyone has to do their part to get around safely in the winter.
Drivers need to have their own plan, which includes leaving earlier and outlining a route. It is important to delay unnecessary travel during significant storms to give plows time to do their jobs. It’s also safer for drivers. Other ways to drive safely this winter include:
Go Slow Driving in Snow
Drive according to weather conditions, not the speed limit.
- Adjust your speed accordingly and give yourself extra travel time. During a storm, posted speed limits are usually too fast.
- Conditions can also be unpredictable and change rapidly.
- Avoid sudden moves, starts or stops. Start slowly on slick or snowy roads and brake gradually, giving yourself plenty of space. Steer gently into turns to maintain control.
- Be visible. Use your low-beam headlights when it is snowing. They are brighter than daytime running lights and will turn on your tail lights.
Be Nice Driving On Ice
Stopping distance on ice is double that of a dry road.
- Leave extra space when driving in icy conditions.
- Approach intersections slowly when they are covered with ice or snow.
- Use extra caution on bridges and ramps. Ice can form without warning, even if roadways are dry.
- Watch out for black ice – a thin, nearly invisible coat of ice that can make the road look like shiny new asphalt.
- Pavement will look grey or white in the winter.
It’s Not A Race, Give Plows Space
Plows can’t see you and you can’t see the road ahead.
- Plows are extra wide and throw snow and spray, making it difficult to see if the road ahead is clear for passing.
- The safest place is well behind the plow.
- Wait for plows to pull over before passing. But don’t accelerate too quickly – the road ahead is unplowed and could be slick or snowy.
- Avoid parking in the road. Plows can’t clear roads that are blocked by parked cars.
What Can Happen If a Person Shovels Snow Onto the Road?
As Per Section 181 of the Highway Traffic Act It Is Unlawful to Plow Snow or Shovel Snow Into the Roadway. A Person May Be Fined Up to $1,000 Plus the Mandatory Victim Surcharge and Court Cost Upon a Finding of Guilt For a Violation of Such Law.
The money and effort spent to maintain the snow and ice that falls upon roadways is substantial; however, a necessary expense of resources as the means to keep roadways as safe as possible. Accordingly, people who deposit snow upon the roadways, whether by shovel or plow, undermine the effort to keep the roadways maintained and safe.
Deposit of snow on roadway
181 No person shall deposit snow or ice on a roadway without permission in writing so to do from the Ministry or the road authority responsible for the maintenance of the road.
General penalty
214 (1) Every person who contravenes this Act or any regulation is guilty of an offence and on conviction, where a penalty for the contravention is not otherwise provided for herein, is liable to a fine of not less than $60 and not more than $1,000.
Summary Comment
Plowing snow, shoveling snow, or otherwise depositing snow upon the roadway presents a great risk of serious harm to motorists using the roadway while also causing waste to the expense incurred by municipalities in the effort to keep roadways maintained and reasonably safe. Accordingly, the law forbids any manner of depositing snow upon a roadway and imposes a fine of up to one thousand ($1,000) dollars plus victim surcharge and court cost.
Township of Brudenell, Lyndoch and Raglan intends to participate in one or more procurements conducted by Local Authority Services (LAS) during 2025. For further information and access to LAS request for proposal (RFP) notices, please review the website