Fire services in the Township of Brudenell, Lyndoch and Raglan are provided by Volunteer Firefighters who are managed by a part-time Fire Chief.
The Municipality operates four fire stations:
Palmer Rapids 5945 Palmer Road
Hardwood Lake 38713 Highway 28
Quadeville 3400 Quadeville Road
Brudenell 8020 Opeongo Road
The department has a number of apparatus including 2 Pumpers, 2 Tankers 2 Combination Pumper/Tankers as well as a 4×4 Chief Truck and a water Rescue Boat. Each station is equipped with wildland firefighting equipment and 3 sets of auto extrication gear that are spread between Palmer Rapids, Quadeville and Hardwood Lake.
The following is a partial list of the services provided by the Township of Brudenell, Lyndoch and Raglan Fire Department:
Structural firefighting
Wildland firefighting
Vehicle extrication
Medical assist
Carbon Monoxide calls
Ice / Water Rescue
The Fire Prevention Officer conducts Fire Code inspections and public education activities.
Signs are placed throughout the Township indicating the current burning status.
Signs are placed throughout the Township indicating the Forest Fire Hazard.
Day Burning
Property owners may burn at any time during the day.
Night Burning Only
Fires are only permitted between the hours of 7:00pm and 7:00am with a permit.
Partial Fire Ban – Level 1
Limits open air burning with the exception to: campfires as defined in the By-law, enclosed barbeques fueled by propane or
charcoal, outdoor furnaces, fireworks, chimeneas and rocket stoves.
Total Fire Ban – Level 2
Absolutely no open air burning is permitted in all areas of the Township.
Provincial Restricted Fire Zone
The Township falls within the Provincial Restricted Fire Zone which means that a fire ban may be put in place by the Township or the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. A provincial ban is enforced by the Township but the MNRF will also lay charges if a provincial ban is contravened.
Class A Combustibles
Property owners are permitted to burn Class A combustibles only. Class A combustibles consist of wood, leaves and other yard waste. Garbage, tires, painted or pressure treated wood, or any plastics are never allowed to be burned.
Fire Permits are required between April 1st and October 31st. No person shall have an open air fire without first obtaining a permit.
Permits are not required for heating, cooking or recreational enjoyment however fires must be kept under the maximum fuel volume of 2′ x 2′ x 2′.
Between April 1st and October 31st, no person shall set an open air fire (with the exception of campfires as defined in this By-law) no earlier than 7:00pm and must be extinguished no later than 7:00am.
Between November 1st and March 31st, open air fires may be set at anytime during the day provided all other applicable regulations of this By-law are followed.
Smoke Alarms & Carbon Monoxide Alarms – It’s the Law!
The Ontario Fire Code states that, “every home in Ontario must have working smoke alarms on every storey and outside all sleeping areas.”
Am I also required to have a CO Alarm?
The new laws around CO alarms state that, if your home has a fuel burning appliance, fireplace or attached garage, you are required to have a working CO alarm outside your sleeping areas. It is recommended for best protection of you and your family that additional alarms be installed around the home and in proximity to potential CO emitting devices.
Statistics show that properly installed and functioning smoke & carbon monoxide alarms save lives!
Get yourself protected today!
Alarms are available for purchase at the Municipal Office.
Smoke Alarm – $10
Carbon Monoxide Alarm – $25
Smoke Alarm with 10 year Battery – $30
Hardwired Smoke/CO Combo – $40
Smoke Alarm/CO with 10 year Battery – $40
Join the Fire Department
Wanting to make a positive impact in your community? Looking for new and exciting challenges?
Join the Brudenell, Lyndoch & Raglan Volunteer Fire Department. For more information, please contact the Fire Chief, Jordan Genrick, or the Township office.
You can also download the application package here.