Located in the southwest edge of Renfrew County, Brudenell, Lyndoch and Raglan is home to several canoe and kayak shops, wilderness adventure industries, second generation logging companies and many small businesses that thrive in our community. The hamlets of Palmer Rapids, Brudenell, Quadeville, Hardwood Lake and more are nestled in this rural and heavily forested township with 60,000 hectares of bush that supports the logging industry and surrounds the lush farmland.
The Lower Madawaska River Provincial Park runs through the center of the natural Crown Lands and just outside the community of Palmer Rapids are the class 2-3 white water rapids it is named after. Water and wilderness adventures are the highlight of this picturesque area. If you love rural living and activities, the Township of Brudenell, Lyndoch and Raglan is a must see destination.