Filing Nominations

Filing Nominations

Nomination Forms can be filed at the township office from May 2, 2022 to August 18, 2022  (9:00 am to 4:00 pm), and on Nomination Day (August 19, 2022) from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. on the prescribed form and accompanied by acceptable identification,  and the prescribed nomination filing fee of $200 for the Head of Council and $100 for all other offices.

The filing fee is payable by cash, debit, cheque, certified cheque, e-transfer, bank draft or money order. A nomination must be signed by the candidate.

Please contact the Clerk to confirm acceptable identification. Identification must be valid and contain the candidate’s name, qualifying address and signature. NOTE: Identification that requires the person to “write in” an address is not acceptable identification (e.g. Canadian Passport).

This Article can be found on the following pages: 2022 Municipal Election, you may find other valuable infomation there.
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