Building Permits

Building Permits

Projects That Require a Building Permit

A building permit is a commitment to safety. The Ontario Building Code Act requires that you obtain a building permit before starting construction. By applying for a building permit, you ensure that your project meets building code, fire, health and safety standards.

  • New buildings or structures greater than 15 square metres (160 sq. ft.) in total floor area, measured by the outside dimensions, or any size if they include services. This includes sheds, sleeping cabins or other accessory buildings or structures, including sheds and shed packages purchased from a store
  • Additions to existing buildings or structures
  • Renovations
  • New or replacement decks
  • Installation of wood burning applications, including new or replacement of existing components
  • Replacement of windows or doors if the rough opening size is enlarged
  • Relocation or addition of plumbing fixtures
  • Replacement of interior water supply or drain pipes
  • Installation of solar panels on new or existing structures that did or would require a permit (ex. over 108 sq. ft.)
  • Installation of swimming pools and fence enclosures
  • Replacing or adding new roof trusses
  • Permanent structure greenhouses
  • Quonset huts and pre-engineered metal buildings
  • Repair or replacement of all types of building foundations
  • NOTE:  Load bearing cement slabs for all houses or for garages greater than 576 sq. ft. require an engineered design

Projects That Do Not Require a Building Permit

The following do not require a building permit however you must still comply with the Township of Brudenell, Lyndoch and Raglan Building By-Law and, if applicable, the Ontario Building Code.

  • Accessory buildings (1 storey) with a total floor area of 15 square meters (160 sq. ft.) or less. NOTE:  Zoning By-law requirements must be followed.
  • Fences
  • Replacement of plumbing fixtures (toilet, sink, bathtub, shower, hot water tank) in their original locations
  • Replacement of windows or doors provided the rough opening size does NOT change
  • Replacement of shingles or other roofing materials, however if you are replacing or adding new roof trusses a building permit is required.

This Article can be found on the following pages: Building & Septic, you may find other valuable infomation there.
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